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Timonius timon (Spreng.) Merr.
Berombong; Timon (Indonesia); Timbu (Indonesia); Ketimon (Indonesia)
Timonius sericeus (Desf.) K. Schumann; Timonius rumphii DC.; Erithalis timon Spreng
Timonius trees are usually small trees, occasionally fairly large, up to 40 m tall. The bole is short and crooked, up to 60 cm in diameter, without or with small buttresses.
Timonius trees are often found in coastal sandy or swampy sites, up to 3,500 m of altitude. Timonius timon is found in a wide variety of habitats.
This species is naturalized in the Palau Islands.
Wood diffuse porous. Tangential diameter of vessel lumina 100 micras or less (very small). Vestured pits. Vessels per mm2 5 to 20. Simple perforation plates. Vessel-ray pits similar to intervessel pits in size and shape. Intervessel pits small, 7 micras or less Occasionally axial parenchyma in marginal or in seemingly marginal bands. Apotracheal axial parenchyma diffuse and/or diffuse in aggregates. Occasionally paratracheal axial parenchyma scanty and/or vasicentric. Axial parenchyma aliform. Axial parenchyma confl 4 to 10 rays per mm (medium). Occasionally larger rays more than 4 seriate. Prismatic crystals in radial alignment in procumbent ray cells (chambered cells). Body ray cells procumbent with over 4 rows of upright and/or square marginal cells (Kribs-I). Occasio Fibers very thick walled. Occasionally fibers with distinctly bordered pits. Fibers with simple to minutely bordered pits.
The heartwood is straw to pale yellow-brown with an orange tinge, not differentiated from the sapwood.
This species is reported to have straight grain.
Texture is moderately fine and even.
The wood is attacked by fungi and insects when exposed to the weather.
Ease of Drying: Drying is moderately difficult to difficult; special care is systematically needed. Drying Defects: Risks of distortions. Kiln Schedules: Schedule proposed as a reference by comparison with well known species taking into account to the general technological behavior of this species.
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