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Huacamayo caspi
Sickingia tinctoria (Kunth) K. Schum.
Huacamayo Caspi (Peru)
Sprucea rubescens Benth.; Simira tinctoria Aubl.; Simira rubescens (Benth.) Bremek. ex Steyerm.; Sickingia xanthostema K. Schum.; Sickingia japurensis K. Schum.; Psychotria tinctoria (Aubl.) Raeusch.; Macrocnemum tinctorium Kunth; Condaminea tinctoria (Kunth) DC.
The tree is small to medium size, with cylindrical boles. It reaches a total height of 20 m with diameters of 70 cm in the average. Commercial lengths of 14 m in the average are reported.
Sickingia tinctoria is reported in primary and secondary tropical rain forests, on well drained, non-inundable areas. It is found up to 700 m of altitude.
S. tinctoria is reported in the Peruvian Amazon basin in the departments of Loreto, San Martin and Huanuco.
Wood diffuse porous. Vessels in radial multiples of 2 to 4. Tangential diameter of vessel lumina 100 micras or less (very small). Vessels per mm2 more than 20 (very abundant). Simple perforation plates. Vessel-ray pits similar to intervessel pits in size and s Axial parenchyma absent or extremely rare, non visible with magnifying glass (8x). 4 to 10 rays per mm (medium). Rays 1 to 4 seriate. Heterogeneous rays and/or multiseriate heterogeneous rays. Body ray cells procumbent with mostly 2 to 4 rows of upright and/or square marginal cells (Kribs-II). Septate fibers present. Fibers with simple to minutely bordered pits.
Odor and taste are reported to be indistinct.
The sapwood is not differentiated from the heartwood which is yellowish red.
It has straight grain.
The wood is typically fine in texture.
This wood is commonly of high luster.
S. tinctorea is reported to be resistant against decay.
The sapwood is easily preserved with water soluble preservatives, but the heartwood presents a moderate penetration.
Drying Defects: Severe cupping is reported.
Sawing of this species is easy.
This species is easy to plane.
Molding operations are rather easy.
Boring operations are rated as fair.
HOUSING GENERAL, joists, frames, panelling, fittings, PLYWOOD AND VENEER, TURNING, PACKING
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