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JARANA AMARELA (Lecythis poiteaui)

Trade Name

Jarana Amarela

Scientific Name

Lecythis poiteaui O. Berg



Common Names

jarana, jarana amarela, matamatá róseo (Brazil); mahot, mahot jaune, meli (paramaka language) (French Guiana); gele bast tétéhoedoe (Surinam).

Scientific Name Synonyms

Chytroma foetida R. Knuth; Eschweilera poiteaui (O. Berg) Nied.; Jugastrum poiteaui (O. Berg) Miers; Lecythis racemiflora Sagot.

Description Of The Tree

Botanical Description

Trees, to 35 m tall. Bark with shallow vertical fissures, the outer bark 5 mm thick, the inner bark much thicker, bright yellow. Stems slender, 1.5–2.5 mm diameter, below uppermost leaf, glabrous, green when fresh, often black when dry, inconspicuously angled. Leaves deciduous, flushed just before flowers appear; petioles 5–13 mm long, glabrous, canaliculate; blades narrowly elliptic to elliptic or infrequently oblong, 13-26 x 5-10 cm, chartaceous at anthesis, becoming more coriaceous with maturity, glabrous, the abaxial surface glaucous, usually with rugose papillae, the base obtuse, narrowly decurrent onto petiole, the margins crenulate, with scars left by caducous trichomes, the apex acuminate; venation brochidodromous to weakly eucamptodromous (at least when leaves young), the midrib prominent adaxially, salient abaxially, the secondary veins in 19-26 pairs, often prominulous adaxially and prominent to prominulous abaxially, the tertiary veins inconspicuous, reticulate. Inflorescences terminal or in axils of uppermost leaves, racemose, unbranched, the rachis 12–30 cm long, glabrous, with conspicuous horizontally elongated lenticels, with 2-7 widely spaced flowers. Flowers white, greenish white, or green. Fruits dehiscent, globose to depressed globose, 3.5-8 (excluding operculum) x 5.5-10.5 cm, the calyx-lobes persistent, woody, sometimes reflexed. Brown Seeds 4–6 per fruit, 2.5-3 x 1.5–2.5 cm, the testa less than 1 mm thick, brown, the veins usually impressed; aril basal, barely covering base of seed.

Natural Habitat

Lecythis poiteaui is a canopy tree of non-flooded forest.

Flowering And Fruiting Months

Lecythis poiteaui flowers from Oct to Mar and releases seed from Apr to Jun. It most commonly flowers from the end of the dry season into the rainy season.


  • Jan.
  • Feb.
  • Mar.
  • Apr.
  • May.
  • Jun.
  • Jul.
  • Aug.
  • Sep.
  • Oct.
  • Nov.
  • Dec.


  • Jan.
  • Feb.
  • Mar.
  • Apr.
  • May.
  • Jun.
  • Jul.
  • Aug.
  • Sep.
  • Oct.
  • Nov.
  • Dec.
Regeneration Ease

The fleshy aril is so eagerly sought by monkeys that mature fruits with seeds are difficult to find. This observation suggests that monkeys may play a role in seed dispersal. However, the possibility that bats may disperse the seeds needs to be investigated because these animals eagerly remove the seeds of species of the sapucaia group of Lecythis to eat the aril

Natural Distribution

Distributed in Surinam, French Guyana, and the Brazilian Amazon from the vicinity of Manaus eastward to near the mouth of the Amazon.

Timber Local Uses

Used in the form of sawn and round wood for general purpose.

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Natural Distribution Map (Red dot = Certified forest producer)

Wood Identification

Anatomic Description Of Wood

Growth ring boundaries indistinct or absent. Wood diffuse-porous with simple perforation plates. Intervessel pits alternate, medium, 7 - 10 µm. Vessel-ray pits with distinct borders; similar to intervessel pits in size and shape throughout the ray cell, Vessel-ray pits with much reduced borders to apparently simple: pits rounded or angular and vessel-ray pits with much reduced borders to apparently simple: pits horizontal (scalariform, gash-like) to vertical (palisade), vessel-ray pits of two distinct sizes or types in the same ray cell, vessel-ray pits restricted to marginal rows, less than 5 vessels per square millimetre, 5 - 20 vessels per square millimetre, tyloses common. Fibres with simple to minutely bordered pits. Non-septate fibres present. Fibres very thick-walled. Axial parenchyma in narrow bands or lines up to three cells wide, reticulate. Ray width 1 to 3 cells, ray height > 1 mm, all ray cells procumbent, 4-12/mm. Prismatic crystals present in chambered axial parenchyma cells. Heartwood colour darker than sapwood colour. Heartwood basically brown or shades of brown with streaks.

  • Wood Macro Photo Transversal Plane
  • Wood Macro Photo Radial Plane
  • Wood Macro Photo Tangential Plane
Specialized Bibliography For This Topic
  • 544 - InsideWood - a web resource for hardwood anatomy. IAWA Journal 32 (2): 199-211.


Cites Status


General Wood Description

COLOR INDEX (1=Black, 7=Light yellow,white)


Natural durability index (1= Very high durability, 7=Vey low durability)


Wood Physical Properties

Basic Density or Specific Gravity (O.D. weight/vol. green) (g/cm³)


Air-dry Density (Weight and volume at 12%MC) (g/cm³)


Normal Shrinkage Tangential (Saturated to 12%MC) (%)


Total shrinkage Tangential (Saturated to 0%MC) (%)


Normal shrinkage Radial (Saturated to 12%MC) (%)


Total shrinkage Radial (Saturated to 0%MC) (%)


Drying Defects

Tendência a empenamentos acentuados, alta incidência de rachaduras (de topo e de superfície). A secagem drástica pode provocar a incidência de rachaduras internas e colapso.

Recommended Dry Kiln Schedule

Madeira de secagem moderada, tanto ao ar como em secadores convencionais. É sugerido um programa com Ti (temperatura inicial) = 40°C, Tf (temperatura final) = 65°C, e PS (potencial de secagem) = 2,2 (500).

Dimensional stability ratio (Total Tangential Shrinkage %/Total Radial Shrinkage %)


Specialized Bibliography For This Topic
  • 502 - Physycal and mechanical properties of the Amazon wood species.

Wood Chemical Properties

Wood Mechanical Properties

Bending Strength (MOR),12%MC (kgf/cm²)


Stiffness (MOE) 12%MC (kgf/cm²)


Compression parallel to fiber 12%MC (kgf/cm²)


Compression perpendicular to fiber 12%MC (kgf/cm²)


Shear strength radial 12%MC (kgf/cm²)


Cleavage strength 12%MC (kgf/m)


Janka hardness (side) 12%MC (kgf)


Janka hardness (end grain) 12%MC (kgf)


Nail extraction (side) 12%MC (kgf)


Nail extraction (end) 12%MC (kgf)


Specialized Bibliography For This Topic
  • 502 - Physycal and mechanical properties of the Amazon wood species.







Bom a excelente

Specialized Bibliography For This Topic
  • 502 - Physycal and mechanical properties of the Amazon wood species.


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