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Scorodocarpus borneensis (Baillon) Becc.
Kulim (Thailand); Kuleng (Thailand); Krathiam ton (Thailand); ungsunah (Malaysia); Sagan berauh (Malaysia); Kayu bawang utan (Indonesia); Bawang hutan (Brunei Darussalam); Ungsanah; Terdu; Sinoh; Sinduk; Sedau; Rengon; Merca; Marsindu; Madudu; Kudar; Kasino; Jaui; Forest garlic; Cepeluk; Buwanghutan; Bawang utan; Ansam; Selaru (Borneo); Kayu bawang (Indonesia); Selaru (Indonesia); Bawang hutan (Sarawak); Kulim (Malaysia); Ugsunah (Sarawak); Ugsunah (Indonesia); Bawang hutan (Malaysia)
Ximenia borneensis Baillon
It is a medium-sized to large tree, to 40 m tall, 80 cm in diameter. The bole is straight, up to 25 m, occasionally with small, low buttresses.
It is found throughout lowland forests, occasionally gregarious, up to 600 m of altitude.
It is distributed in Sumatra, Malay Peninsula, and Borneo
Wood diffuse porous. Tangential diameter of vessel lumina 200 micras or more (large). Colored deposits in heartwood vessels. Tyloses common. Vessels per mm2 5 to 20. Occasionally vessels per mm2 more than 20. Multiple perforation plates. Intervessel pits large, Apotracheal axial parenchyma diffuse and/or diffuse in aggregates. 5 to 8 cells per parenchyma strand. Over 9 cells per parenchyma strand. Axial parenchyma in narrow bands on lines up to 3 cells wide. Rays more than 10 per mm (abundant). Ray height more than 1 mm. Body ray cells procumbent with over 4 rows of upright and/or square marginal cells (Kribs-I). Fibers very thick walled. Fibers with simple to minutely bordered pits.
When fresh it smells of garlic, it has a peppery smell when dry.
The sapwood is clearly distinct, light yellow in color. The heartwood varies from reddish brown to purple-brown.
It is wavy or deeply interlocked.
The texture varies from moderately fine to medium coarse.
It is moderately resistant to fungi and insect attack.
Silica Content: It is non-siliceous. Silica Value: 0
This species is reported to be moderately permeable.
Ease of Drying: Drying is moderately easy; some particular care is needed. Drying Defects: Risks of checks. Kiln Schedules: Schedule proposed as a reference by comparison with well known species taking into account to the general technological behavior of this species.
It is a heavy wood, the response in sawing is easy to fair.
It is difficult to peel due to its hardness.
It is difficult to peel due to its hardness.
Machining process is easy if interlocked grain is absent, special cutters are required.
Molding is reported to give poor results.
Boring of this species is reported to be easy.
This species is easy to mortise.
Nailing is difficult, it needs pre-boring.
It is reported to be easy to glue.
Sanding of this species is reportedly easy.
The response of this species in finishing is good unless interlocked grain is present.
EXTERIOR GENERAL, bridges, poles, paling, stakes posts, rails, crossties, HOUSING GENERAL, beams, joists, flooring, frames, SPORTS, TOOLS, agricultural tools, CONTAINERS, truck bodies, truck flooring, NAVAL CONSTRUCTION, port pillar
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