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Parinari insularum A.Gray
Sa (Fiji)
A common large tree. Bole length averages 12m,maximum 20m.
On river flats, coastal ridges.
A NATIVE OF Fiji and some Pacific islands. Fiji, Pacific islands.
It is a species which has yet to find its place in local timber utilization. Used for marine structure in the round, and for heavy flooring.
Vessels per mm2 less than 6 (rare). Tangential diameter of vessel lumina 200 micras or more (large). Vessels exclusively solitary (over 90%). Occasionally vessels in diagonal and/or radial pattern. Axial parenchyma in continuous tangential lines (included in reticulate and scalariform). Intercellular canals of traumatic origin (gum, resin).
Heartwood is pink to red-brown and is difficult to distinguish from the sapwood.
Grain is usually straight.
Texture is coarse but uniform, with rather prominent vessel lines.
Sapwood is immune or rarely susceptible to Lyctus attack. Heartwood is perishable, being rated adequately durable only for hazard 1 end uses. Timber out of ground contact, continuous protected from the weather.
In green condition, with sharp tools the timber works easily, with some stringiness only sawn faces. When dry conventional blades can be blunt after only one pass, feed effect is excessive and some charring of timber faces may occur.
Not assessed
Not assessed
Sa has an extremely severe blunting action on saw teeth and cutters, and the use of tungsten carbide or hard alloy tips on tools is recommended.
Pre-boring necessary in nailing.
HOUSING GENERAL, flooring, NAVAL CONSTRUCTION, boat hulls, boat deck, port storage
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