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Blighia welwitschii Radlk.
Ukpe (Nigeria); Ishin (Nigeria); Akee (Ghana); Kaha (Côte d`Ivoire); Ngwin (Gabon); Ekom (Gabon); Akee (Cameroon); Tsana
Phialodiscus welwitschii Hiern; Phialodiscus bancoensis Aubrev & Pellegr.
The tree reaches a height of 50 m, with diameters which can be over 300 cm. The bole is cylindrical, buttressed, and straight, it may be up to 20 m in length.
Blighia welwitschii is reported in closed forests, primary and secondary formations, and on plateaus at 450 to 600 m of altitude.
Wood diffuse porous. Occasionally vessels exclusively solitary (over 90%). Tangential diameter of vessel lumina 150 to 200 micras (medium). Occasionally white deposits in heartwood vessels. Tyloses thin walled. Non-vestured pits. Vessels per mm2 less than 6 (ra Axial parenchyma absent or extremely rare, non visible with magnifying glass (8x). Paratracheal axial parenchyma scanty and/or vasicentric. 5 to 8 cells per parenchyma strand. Rays more than 10 per mm (abundant). Rays non-storied. Rays 1 to 2 seriate. Prismatic crystals in the ray cells. Homogeneous rays and/or sub-homogeneous rays (all ray cells procumbent). Septate fibers present. Fibers with simple to minutely bordered pits.
The sapwood is pinkish yellow, it has a thickness of up to 10 cm. The heartwood is reddish brown with white specks, it is clearly demarcated.
Straight; grain has no particular influence on drying, machining and finishing qualities.
The wood is mostly medium in texture.
The wood is described as low in luster.
Moderately durable to decay. Without preservative treatment, this species can be used only under risk of occasional re-humidification. It is not suited for uses with risks of permanent or long-lasting humidification. Heartwood is sensible to Lyctus attack
Ease of Drying: Drying is fairly easy; some difficulties could occur when drying too fast. Drying Defects: No particular risks of drying defects, subject to normal drying conditions. Kiln Schedules: Schedule proposed as a reference by comparison with well known species taking into account to the general technological behavior of this species.
Not suitable for veneering.
Not suitable for veneering.
Moderate blunting effect; stellited blades for sawing and carbide tools for machining are advised.
Moderately easy; tools must be cautiously sharpened.
Moderately easy; tools must be cautiously sharpened.
Moderately easy; tools must be cautiously sharpened.
Moderately easy; tools must be cautiously sharpened.
Pre-boring is necessary.
Glues well if basic gluing technical rules are followed.
Easy to perform; it gives good results.
Can be polished without surface preparation.
Working with hand tools is difficult.
HOUSING GENERAL, parquet, fittings, FURNITURE AND CABINETS, cabinets, PLYWOOD AND VENEER, TURNING, SPORTS, TOOLS, tool handles, CONTAINERS, truck bodies, truck flooring, NAVAL CONSTRUCTION, boats
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